Am I Experiencing Burnout?
Bronwyn Wood Bronwyn Wood

Am I Experiencing Burnout?

Most people in the first three stages are able to focus on recovery and still maintain their work. Though a break is needed, it will likely not be a long-term break from the work environment.

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A Brief Look at Burnout
Burnout Bronwyn Wood Burnout Bronwyn Wood

A Brief Look at Burnout

People who become depressed due to burnout are known to have difficulty planning, recalling information and concentrating. This makes them prone to hot cognition responses. It can come off as abrupt or even harsh to others.

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How to journal
Bronwyn Wood Bronwyn Wood

How to journal

This practice to keep track of knowledge about your mind, body and environment by having a daily physical record of your thoughts. This enables you to be able to pick up themes and patterns in your thinking and gives you a library of information about yourself and your world - this is how to journal.

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